Secret Behind Why & How CrossFit Works

Many people think that CrossFit is some kind of magic because those who started doing it & loving it, 6-12 months later, they look COMPLETELY different and people mean it in a positive way when they say DIFFERENT.


Even those people who have been engaging themselves in Resistance & Strength Training for a while and then, get into CrossFit, all of the sudden gain defined abs AND eat way more without even gaining weight and the best part is, they are sooo FULL of energy!!! 

But, unfortunately, it’s not rocket science. It’s a beautiful side effect of the methods used in CrossFit that is constantly varied – High Intensity Training

In this post, we are going to cover what High Intensity Training is, what its key benefits are and how you might go about starting it on your own. 

The Benefits of HIIT

So, what is HIIT? HIIT is a term for training & workouts that involve shorter periods. It is a kind of training that has a higher level of intensity & is performed quickly. The biggest benefit of engaging in HIIT is getting a LOT of health benefits in such a short period of time. 

Here’s more:

#1It can burn a lot of calories.

A comparative study has been made between HIIT, Weight Training, Running & Biking and this study has proven that HIIT burned the most number of calories as compared with all of these other exercises.

HIIT can help you burn calories in a bigger amount & shorter time.

#2 It increases the metabolic rate.

One way HIIT can help burn your calories actually comes after your exercise. Studies have shown an impressive increase in metabolic rate for those who are into HIIT.

HIIT elevates your metabolism hours after your training exercise.

#3 It helps lose fats.

Despite the shorter time, a lot of studies have proven that HIIT can reduce one’s body fat. It is found to be the most effective for people who are overweight & obese. It can even reduce the waist circumference.

#4 It might help in gaining muscle.

For certain people, it can help increase muscle mass, more often in the trunk & leg. It is proven to support even just a small amount of muscle growth. 

#5 It improves oxygen consumption.

Endurance Training is usually the type to improve your oxygen consumption. However, studies have shown that HIIT can produce similar benefits in an even shorter amount of time. 

#6 It reduces heart rate & blood pressure.

This is most especially helpful for people who are obese & overweight. HIIT can reduce one’s heart rate & help those struggling with high blood pressure.

#7 It reduces blood sugar.

Based on some studies, HIIT is particularly helpful & beneficial for those who are at risk for type 3 diabetes since HIIT has been proven to reduce the blood sugar & insulin resistance in the body.

With these benefits, it’s almost not hard to even begin. These benefits are highly motivational for you to start getting into your HIIT as soon as you can.

If interested, you can register at and I’ll be more than happy to coach you. Head over to the menu above and hit SERVICES to see all the different options of working with me depending on your starting point and location.

Hope you learned a lot about HIIT today. Stay tuned for more blogs & updates.

All the best



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