#36 My top 3 productivity hacks

My Top 3 Productivity Hacks

Are you the type of person who struggles to stay focused on a task or feels like you could’ve done more in a day?  

Well, if you think you are, you are not alone. Each one of us has that need to produce outcome & achieve great results yet fail in doing so because of things like distraction & procrastination.

If you want to be productive, you must eliminate these 2 & all other excuses. It may be a difficult process, but it’s not impossible. Just take it one positive step at a time and learn from my 3 productivity hacks.

3 Productivity Hacks

#1 Journal!

Quick question. If you have to solve a Math problem with multiple variables, would you be able to solve it just in your head? No, right? You’d pull out a pen & paper and write it down to make it simpler for you. You see, our brains don’t function well with solving complex problems with multiple variables without seeing it. 

In the same way, many of the thoughts that run in our heads can be complex & difficult for the brain to fully process without seeing it. This is why journaling can be extremely helpful.

If you don’t know how or where to start, you can try doing what I do. At the end of each week, I list down the things I achieved per week. Then, I ask myself a few questions. I call this process the ‘weekly reflection’.

  • What went well this week?

  • What didn't go well this week?

  • What can I change for next week?

  • How aligned was I with my goals & did I take actions that lead me towards them?

  • What are next week’s game changes (3-5 things that would impact the bottom line or advance things)?

  • What does my ideal day look like at the moment?

  • What do I want to feel like?

  • What do I need to remember? 

And, the questions could go on & on. These questions can be modified depending on what is necessary or needed.

#2 Put everything on schedule.

The more organized, the better. Put everything on schedule, whether that may be a meeting with a client, an appointment with a doctor, a yoga session, or a birthday party you need to attend, leave it on schedule.  

Some people prefer the old pen and paper calendar, my favorite options there are passion planner and if you are more into the tekk side of things then there are so many calendar apps out there. The most simple way, is to use Google Calendar its there and ready - really the simplest, fastest way to keep everything on schedule & receive reminders of important tasks. 

In the coming weeks  i will be sharing more about how I use my calendar to stay on track so make sure you stay tuned. 

#3 Focus on getting things done! (But, don’t force it.)

Whatever it takes, no matter what, get things done! Protect your focus above all things. BUT, hey, don’t force it. Perhaps, some of you are like this, carefully planning everything to get work done & be more productive that you get too sucked into the work & forget to even eat, take bathroom breaks & stand up. 

Yes, focus on doing it & getting it done! But, don’t kill yourself. Rest if you must. Eat if you must. Productivity doesn’t always mean just ticking things off the checklist. It’s about doing things excellently & you wouldn’t be able to do that with a tired, burnout you.

This is what I do. In order to get things done in the most human way possible, I switch off notifications using the Airplane mode at the times I am working and make sure I have coffee, water, etc. at my work station. I also make sure to stand up for a break every 45-60 minutes before getting back to work again. 

Remember: Balance is key.

Thank you for now!

Just know this I wouldn’t recommend all these 3 if I knew they weren’t helpful, but I firmly believe in the help journaling & scheduling can give you. Apply these & get into the habit of productivity.

Until next week.


Coach Eik


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