What Does Progress Look Like, Without Hitting New PR All The Time?

If you’re a CrossFit Newbie or a CrossFit Enthusiast, this question may have occurred to you once or twice at some point in your training.

How do we measure your progress when it comes to CrossFit, especially during the off season, where you are just training. Its normal to not hit a new personal best during regular training. And apart from hitting some PRs on lifts, how do we really know & find out if we are actually getting better in our workouts?

Well, you’re in the right place.

Below we will walk through 5 signs of progress other than your Personal Records that your routines are really working, and that you are in fact getting better.

Here Are My Top 5 Signs of Progress, that have nothing to do with PR´s.

 #1 You’re using affirmations and believing them. 

You have a more positive outlook on your fitness abilities and capacity - (aka you think “Yeah Bring It On” when you read the workout from the whiteboard and planning how you can attack it instead of thinking I cant do it.)

Those who are trained to engage in positive self-talk are always less anxious and more self-confident in their abilities and they have the tendency to perform better. This kind of empowerment can translate to your fitness goal, whether that may be to become stronger or faster. Affirm yourself. Declare you are able and believe it.

#2 You’re Handling New Things Better.

While doing new and challenging things all the time can carry along anxiety & stress, it is more beneficial than we think. One sign you are getting better if NEW THINGS give you a sense of motivation. And you start to believe that this is something that you can work hard for, whether that may be powerlifting, weightlifting or obstacle course races.

#3 You’re developing an ability to know what your body needs & can handle.

You have this body awareness, and dare to make decisions based of what is best for you. This type of flexibility in your plan & your goals is in & of itself a sign that what you’re doing or the routine you’re engaged in is working well for you. Having this type of Body awareness is one of the best determining factors for your success & progress.

#4 You’re making other positive lifestyle changes, too.

You are starting to get cureus what else could be good for you, now that these things are working. There are other things that are highly impacted by the way we train & the effectiveness of that training. That includes the foods you eat & the amount of sleep you get daily, health of your relationships, confidence at work ect. When your lifestyle starts to change for good, you’d know you’re on the right track of progress.

#5 You’re doing more of the things you love.

If I ask you what’s enjoyable to you, how would you respond? Well, if you are doing more of the answer to this question, then, yes. Your routine is working well for you. There is a progress in your choices.


As what I always tell my clients, training partners and trainees, there’s no-one-size-fits-all. You have to find what works well for you & stick with it. Progress is not about being better than others, it’s being your best version of you, and that can take many different forms. So instead of only looking at your training routine and seeing how many PR´s you have set lately, I offer you to view it with different glasses through those 5 points.

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