Bullet Proofing Your Body
Small Group Training To Help You
-Increase Mobility
-Get Out Of Pain
-Get Stronger
-Move More Efficiently And Better
Who Is It For?
Anyone lacking movement to perform their best.
Those who struggle with executing “lower on your squats” or “straight arms, lock out your elbows”
Those who have aches or pains limiting them from doing certain movements OR pushing themselves in workouts.
Those who have series of nickels, stiffness, aches and pains from your shoulders, wrist, back, hips and/or knees.
Are feeling frustrated not being able to advance and unlock all the cool skills and movements of crossfit.
Click Play And Listen To Some Of The Limitations and Issues This Course Will Help You Solve
Timings For Supervised Training @ Crossfit Alioth
6:30 am Wednesday
5:30 pm Thursdays
OR Fully Remote Option
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Here Is WHY You Might Need Bullet Proofing:
If you dream of moving effortlessly and pain free through a crossfit workout. Only being limited by your super high heart rate and the GOOD pump in your muscles. Then you need not just GOOD mobility, you need GREAT mobility.
Most People that love high Intensity Training like Crossfit face injuries at one point or another when pushing themselves to the limit with hard, complex movements. These type of injuries are more common if your ability to move in full ranges of motion is limited.
Because most of those injuries come from “friction” between tissues that don't move like they are supposed to, or because the poor buggers get strained, stretched, blocked or pinched repeatedly when we workout.
This Friction or Lack Of Mobility Can Stem From
Tight "Lack of length in tissue around joint"
Weak "Lack of strength in general or one side relative to another"
Poor Movement "Lack of coordination and skill in that particular movement"
Over Use "Inappropriate volume of training or rest"
Spasm "muscular defense system to avoid further damage from underlying issue"
Defects/Anatomical issue "abnormalities from birth or changes in tissue due to chronic inflammation"
It’s common to hear people doing ROMWOD or stretches to increase their mobility.
But it doesn’t help everyone, because if your issue stems from weak, poor movement patterns or measurably short muscles you can keep doing ROMWOD and stretch until the day you die without any significant improvements.
This is why it’s important to figure out why YOU have lack of mobility so you can address the limitations appropriately with the right tactics. And use the combination of the right tools to help you gain more freedom in your movements and eventually train yourself out of PAIN.
Here Is What The Clients Write About Bullet Proofing!
“I didn’t know my shoulders and neck could feel so good.
I feel freedom in my shoulders when sitting at my desk, and it doesn’t hurt to hang on the pull up bar anymore. Thank You”
“Coming back from 6 months of hip and knee pain, after only 5 sessions of stretching and strength training I can now squat pain free again!”
“I went from 1 hour of warming up and stretching to feel somewhat okay before a class to showing up at the gym feeling ready to attack the workout. 100% worth it”
“Came to see Eik to improve my squat mobility. Now I can squat below parallel….. But the biggest changes is I no longer feel pain and stiffness in my back when I wake up, strange to think I thought that was just normal part of life”
Here Is HOW Bullet Proofing Works:
This course is designed as a 4 week Blocks of hybrid training to address all the major causes of poor mobility and imbalances that lead to aches and pains.
Programing focuses on improving those Tight, Weak and Poor Movement Patterns through stretches, tempo strength training and mobility work.
Your own Investment Into Your Progress, for 4 consecutive weeks you need to be willing and able to commit to 10-15 min of DAILY mobility work, 1-2x 30 min WEEKLY accessory work and 1x WEEKLY 60 min supervised training session.
Supervised Training
When you sign up you pick a time slot that works best for you for your supervised training. 5 consecutive weeks, you can attend a supervised session in the gym, along with a few others with similar but different problems. First and last session are reserved for testing. In the other sessions I will assist you, guide you and give provide feedback on how to do your individual exercises best possible.
Please note so everyone gets the 1:1 time needed there is LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE IN EACH TIME SLOT, first come first serve.
Click Here To See Available Timings
+ OR Fully Remote Option
Not A One Size Fits All
This program offers support and accountability to follow through along with high level of customization of the programming. This is done so you get the individual support you need to attack your issue specifically. With individualized approach and flexibility to fit your schedule .
Coach Eik
Is the coach that will be guiding you through this BulletProofing Journey.
She is a 3x Crossfit Games Competitor, a physiotherapist and movement specialist. Besides from walking the walk, and testing and trying out mobility protocols on herself to improve enough to be in the top 0.1% of Crossfit Athletes.
She is also passionate about helping others perform better as well as overcoming limitations from injuries, pregnancies and setbacks. The past 12 years she has worked with individuals of all levels to come back stronger than ever.
With a holistic approach to the body, mind and movement. She has an eye for the underlying causes for mobility limitations and is sometimes referred to as the Body Whisperer.
Can I Participate If I Can´t Make It To The Classes?
- Alongside the in person small group classes, there will be limited spots available for an online, remote option.
This is ONLY for you if you are fairly independ with your training, and capable of following instructions and communicating in writing your daily progress.
BulletProofing In Person @ Crossfit Alioth
This Includes 4 total, 1x Weekly Small Group Classes, Online Program With Homework and online support through TrueCoach.
BulletProofing Remote Option
This option does not include any in person training sessions. Instead 2x 30 min Zoom Consults at the beginning and end of the month as well as online support through TrueCoach.
WHAT is Included 4 week block:
4x Weekly Small Group “Team Half Broken” Supervised Training Sessions, where you learn more about YOUR body and what works for you. (First and last are dedicated to testing) (not included for remote option)
30 day Individualized Accessory & Mobility Program With Videos And Accountability For Daily/Weekly Homework
Tracking Your Progress: Strength & Mobility tests at start and end of the month.
WhatsApp Support Group, for troubleshooting, support and share of progress.
Exclusive Discount of Physiotherapy, assisted stretch sessions and acupuncture to supplement your training.
1796 AED
4 Weeks of Bullet Proofing With Small Group Sessions @ Alioth
859 AED
4 Weeks Of Remote BulletProofing Workouts In Your Own time.
But Is One Month Enough To Improve?
Your Results depend on the nature of your mobility issue, your commitment, and your body's reaction to the training.
MOST PEOPLE resolve their mobility issues with this protocol, and sharpened focus 3-4x pr week in 8-12 weeks. (2-3 round of Bullet Proofing)
WE ARE A TEAM: during we monitor your progress closely and make changes if you are NOT progressing with the prescribed drills.
In the last session of each month, we will retest your mobility and strength. Based on this results, your individual target and goals.
- You can decide if you would like to continue for another block/month, or if you are happy with how far you have come and would like to continue working on it on your own.
Unsure If You Are The Right Fit?
Book In For A Mobility Screening where we map you limitations by running you through a mobility screening & determine if you will benefit from THIS particular program.
PS. Don´t worry if you for any reason are not a match to start training right away. I work with a network of therapists and specialist and can help you find other solutions and places you might want to start.
Any Questions?
Please let me know if you have any further questions or if something is unclear.
-Coach Eik
E-mail: eikgylfa@gmail.com
WhatsApp: 0565562854