What Is Remote Coaching?

- and how is it different from other Online Fitness Programs.

When I tell people that I offer online options for coaching, many of them can’t help but roll their eyes.

- To be honest, I don’t blame them!

I never thought I would have a desk job. But here I am, tapping away on my laptop, able to serve 3-4x as many clients all around the world with MUCH BETTER results than before, when I worked as a personal trainer and crossfit coach.

Clients are getting better results because I have created a online solution not a Online Fitness Program, and I want to tell you a little bit about how it came about, what it includes and what you can achieve with Remote Coaching.


These days, you can find anything and everything on the internet, and access it right now. A quick Google search will give you 100s if not 1000s of results for running programs, 30-day challenges, and you-name-it workout plans, that guarantee that you will get fit, active and strong. 

But have you ever downloaded one of these online programs, paid for an application, or subscribed to some kind of an online product, and then NEVER opened it, used it or adhered to the plan at all?

Truth is that many online fitness programs are not made with YOU in mind, it is a way for trainers to scale their business, make more money with less work. These programs are hyper specific and marketed to promise you a sexy body, 6-pack in a few weeks, and all kinds of less-than-realistic goals in a record time. This marketing is aimed to get you to BUY and SUBSCRIBE but not necessary to achieve those results or any long term results.

They are missing a few elements that research shows is essential when it comes to creating a healthier life, sustainable change and actual lasting results. And tend to leave you frustrated, since you tried spent time and money on it, but didn’t get what you wanted.

How Remote Coaching Came About:

I have been tired of not being able to help my clients with the “big picture” for a long time. I was painfully aware of the limitations when working as a Physiotherapist to help people to lose weight, as a 1:1 Personal Trainer to help people clean up their diet and as a Nutrition Coach to help clients continue being active with an injury. I didn’t have the systems in place to assist people with what they really needed.

FOR EXAMPLE: If you wanted to turn your life around but were struggling with back pain, too high blood sugar, above the limit BMI, sleep apnea and were lactose intolerant. Where would you start? Who would you consult?

If every health professional only worked within their own scope, you would need to see a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Doctor and a Physiotherapist at that point to turn your life around. They would all most likely give you conflicting information and there is no system in place where they can communicate about what is in YOUR best interest.

Most people I meet don´t have time, the financial resources or the mental capacity to be the “project manager” on your health journey.

Time came in March 2020, when this new pandemic life of social distancing suddenly hit us, I sat down with a pen and paper, and said to myself I want to solve this.

  • How can I use all my knowledge as a physiotherapist, crossfit athlete, nutritionist, personal trainer and life coach to help as many people as possible with the “BIG PICTURE”

  • How can I make my service BETTER online than what I can currently provide my customers with during our 1:1 sessions in the gym? 

  • How can I make individualized services and “Health Project Managing” financially available to more people.

  • What assistance would clients need, to turn their lives around and get the results they crave and deserve? 

  • What systems and structures do I need to have in place, so that my clients can get all- around support from me, and make their goals happen DESPITE the current situation. 

After weeks and months of researching, testing and creating online solutions, I came up with the concept Remote Coaching. Witch can be described as a complete coaching experience, or “Health Project Management” covering everything from education, nutrition and fitness programming programming, accountability systems, online support and individual consultations.

I believe that taking doubts of your shoulders, project managing and referring out when needed helps you focus more at the task at hand. Working with a mentor or a coach can help you to better see the ‘big picture’, help you take shared responsibility for your health and well being and get you to your goals faster. Through trial and error it developed into 3 packages/ options, to accommodate different needs for individual support.

You can read about the different packages for Remote Coaching HERE

What does Remote Coaching include?

  • Movement screening and fitness testing.

  • Individualized fitness program.

  • Individualized Nutrition Plan & Habit Coaching.

  • Individual 1:1 Coaching Consultations .

  • Accountability Systems (daily, weekly, monthly check ins)

  • Online Support and Video Analysis of movements and skills.

Movement Screening & Fitness Testing: Functional Movement Screening (FMS) is a series of physical tests that includes fundamental movement patterns that require strength, balance and coordination. The tests are designed to highlight any weaknesses or imbalance that you might have, and to highlight possible risk of injury. If you continue to perform movements incorrectly due to weakness or muscle imbalance you will reinforce poor movement patterns and overload weaker muscle groups increasing your risk of injury. This Includes:

  • The range of movement around your joints.

  • The strength of your various muscle groups.

  • The degree of flexibility of your muscles.

  • Your level of coordination.

  • Your balance.

  • Your risk of Injury due to weakness or poor biomechanics.

  • Performance based testing depending on goals.

Fitness Programming with Evidence Based Training, the training methods that have science, research and best practice evidence to back them up to help you achieve your fitness goals. Along with individualized approach to warm ups and mobility work to train you out of pain and improve performance.

Training programs are delivered to you through an online platform called TrueCoach that allows me to provide you with a firm accountability system, with reminders and notifications to keep you on track. Through this platform we can also communicate, log nutrition, track results and log your progress as you go. 

Nutrition Coaching starting with establishing a baseline intake of nutrition, and developing skills, good habits and balance around food to promote your health. Then working on tweaking it to achieve specific goals weight loss, muscle gain ect.

1:1 Coaching The human element is important. Nothing can replace an experienced coach, mentor or a sparring partner on your health journey; if we could do these things alone, we probably would have done it by now. Individual coaching sessions are designed to:

  • Facilitate the exploration of your needs, motivations, desires, skills and thought processes.

  • Use questioning techniques to facilitate your own thought processes, in order to identify solutions and actions that you are ready, willing and able to do.

  • Support you in setting appropriate goals and methods of assessing progress.

  • Encourage a commitment to action and the development of lasting personal change and growth.

  • Encourage you to continually improve competencies and to develop new skills.

In essence, this combination of fitness programming and coaching called Remote Coaching allows you to do things slightly differently than you have before. Stop being the person that “never reaches their weight goal”. Taking a different approach by identify your individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, move past old obstacles and to develop strategies to better achieve your personal, health and life goals.

Why choose to work with me as a coach?

I have spent the last 10 years educating myself to be able to “Project Manage” your health by providing qualified consultation on injuries, training, nutrition, sleep, health and habits.

To me it doesn’t matter if your goals are big or small, I know you need someone by your side that can listen, encourage, answer questions and doubts, provide feedback when you are being too hard on yourself, and help you pivot your plans when life throws you curveballs.

Research and experience shows that the support network around you is essential to achieving your health and wellness goals. People who have someone in their corner to talk to about their health goals, are way more likely to achieve them.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message HERE

If want to find out if Remote Coaching is a good option for you I invite you to setup a FREE 20 min consultation. In this consult we will run you through the Movement Assessment, talk about your goals, and what has stopped you from achieving them in the past.

- and if you are interested we can set up a Bulletproof system and start taking actions straight away.

Much Love, Keep on working on your goals

Coach Eik




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