How Your Sleep Affects Your Mental Health

If you’re an avid reader of my blogs, you’d know by now how much I rave about sleep. It’s just SO important. 

But did you know, not only does it affect us physically, but it affects us mentally & emotionally as well and that’s what we’ll be talking about here – how sleep affects us mentally.


The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is HIGHLY essential. It’s what helps our bodies & minds recharge, leaving us refreshed & energetic when we wake up the next day. 

Our brains tend to function even better when we practice good sleep hygiene, meaning when we complete the hours of sleep we need per day. It boosts our ability to focus, think clearly & work more efficiently on any task at hand as well.

So, you see, when it comes to our mental health, sleep does have a pivotal role to play. 

Sleep & Mental Health

There is a reason why some people say that someone in a bad mood “woke up on the wrong side of the bed”. Thinking about it, there is a slight truth behind this saying. Sleep does affect how we think, how we feel & how we act. 


While it’s true that sleep & mental health are quite complex issues affected by many different factors, there is still a strong reason to believe that improving sleep can positively impact our mental health.


According to research, over 300 million people worldwide suffer with anxiety & depression and around 75% of them carry symptoms of insomnia or having troubles of going to sleep. The other 25%, on the other hand, suffer from hypersomnia which means sleeping too much. 


Back then, sleeping problems were seen as a result of depression, but now, there is growing evidence that suggests that poor sleep may actually be one of the causes of depression. 


Now, if you’re this person who suffers from anxiety disorders & depression and if life is taking a toll on your mental health, don’t be disheartened! I’m here to help you unlock one simple practice that will help improve your mental health for good.


Improving Mental Health by Practicing a Good Sleep Hygiene

I believe that every situation is different & there really is no one-size-fits-all shoe in life, so at the end of the day, the best thing to help with our mental health will really depend on every person. Before I share one important key to your mental health, let me remind you that it’s important to receive proper care, which means consulting a trained professional in this field. 


Consequently, this key that I’d like to share is to practice good sleep hygiene.


You can help yourself grow mentally by cultivating habits that encourage good sleep hygiene, whether that may be creating an atmosphere that makes it easier to sleep or reducing possible distractions like your phones & gadgets.


Examples of Healthy Habits

To be more specific, here are some of the best examples you can practice.


  • Set a bedtime and be consistent with it even during weekends. 

  • Avoid drinking alcohol & caffeine in the evening. This will make it harder for you to sleep at night.

  • Dim the lights & put away any electric gadgets an hour or more before going to bed. In this way, you are setting your mind into going to sleep by limiting the distractions.

  • Find the most comfortable mattress, beddings & pillow. Make a bed that draws you in & invites you to take your rest.

  • Exercise during the day! This leaves you more energetic during daytime, leaving you wanting to rest at night. As you may also know, it releases happy hormones as well, making you feel a lot more positive.


It’s okay to undergo trial & error just to determine whatever works best for you. 

If it means improving your mental health, do whatever it takes. Your health is always worth it. 

Well, I hope this blog encourages you to prioritize your mental health by practicing good sleep hygiene. 

‘til next time,


Learn more about sleep hygiene in this blog: 5 Tips For Better Sleep Hygiene


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