#54-Are you feeling like your are in a burnout?

I just finished a physiotherapy seminar on BURNOUT, and I was so blown away with the knowledge shared there by one of the leading experts in burnout rehabilitation that I just had to spread the word, get some more awareness on the topic and open this dialog here with you. It wont be super long, but I do hope it will be valuable to you.

Some scary statistics to kick things off, A survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that approximately 27% of workers worldwide experience work-related burnout. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Occupational Health estimated that burnout affects around 60% of healthcare professionals. Allthough my personal opinon is that these statistics underscore the severity of the problem and highlight the need to address it at the same time. There is something wrong with the way we are doing things if 1/3 clincially has experienced work related burnout.

In this fast-paced day and age, it often feels like the demands placed upon us are never-ending. Whether it's work deadlines, family responsibilities, or the constant pings we hear from our phones & tablets, it's easy to feel overwhelmed & exhausted. 

But what is burnout really, and how is it defined.

How do you know when you aren’t just tired for the day or stuck in a little rut or already experiencing a burnout?

Well, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), burnout is a syndrome characterised by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a sense of reduced personal accomplishment and over all reduced tolerance to stimulus.

Despite what many people think, it’s not only caused by chronic work-related stress, but is more like an accumulation of ALL THE STRESS we have in our life, internal and external.

Example of external stressors can be caregiving, poor work culture, time press, social stress, conflict, lack of clarity, lack of resources, economical stress, transport, commute, workouts, worries and financial situation. Internal stressors can be perfectionism, strong need for recognition, lack of time management, suppressing own needs, using work as substitue for personal life ect.

All of this gets added to a pot and stirred together, and with the way our bodies work in regards to hormones and repsonses, the effects of burnout always has significant effects on our whole life the social, physical & mental well-being.

As you can tell burnout is not just a week of feeling overwhelmed or demotivated, it is quite a severe bunch of symptoms that rack up. As one of my favorite authors, Brene Brown, provides valuable insights into the distinction between stress and overwhelm. She suggests that stress can be managed because we have a clear understanding of the actions required to alleviate it. However, overwhelm goes beyond stress. It renders us unable to function effectively, as we feel consumed by the pressures & responsibilities in our world. And the way that I see it, Burnout is the state once you have been in overwhelm for a while and your body stops remembering what it felt before that. When the heavyness, dread and low moods become the new norm.

Clinically there are 5 stages of burnout.

  1. Honey Moon, where things are hard but still exciting

  2. Onset of stress, you stop finding the new challenges exciting and you stagnate

  3. Chronic Stress, you feel frustrated and upset with the situation

  4. Burnout, you feel helpless, like everything you try isnt working and you dont know what to do.

  5. Habitual Burnout, you struggle with solving this issue your self. Intervention is needed.

(this classification is borrowed from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7604257/ )

What to Do When in a Burnout

If you resonate with any of the stages listed above it's essential to take a moment to assess your current situation. Ask yourself whether you need immediate assistance or if you feel empowered to manage it yourself. Recognizing the signs of burnout and seeking support are essential to overcome. And research shows that the earlier you get out of it, the less “aftermath” you have to deal with.

The road to getting better from any of the 5 stages of burnout is long and combines a lot of work from your side, but the prognosis is relatively good. Because burnout is caused by a combination of internal and external factors it is not enough just to STOP WORKING, or CHANGE WORK PLACE, your perfectionism will follow you to your next work place, your lack of time management makes staying home doing nothing a stressful environment too after all the kids still need to go to school and we always spend 100% of our time doing something.

Acknowledging or addressing burnout is the first step towards a happier and more balanced life. You deserve to prioritize your well-being and find joy once again. The recommended approach the panel discussed at the seminar I just attended was 4 basic things.

  1. do a little less, fewer hours at work, but still if possible attend work.

  2. focus on the things you can control, making small changes to the mindset, approach, internal chat, own budget, asking for help with parts of the caregiving or what ever is most relevant for you.

  3. Practice self kindness and compassion, longer term studies for people who have experienced burnout show that these individuals have reduced capacity for stress….. most likely life long if not then at least for 15 years like their studdies showed. Making sure to listen to yourself, tuning in with journaling and reflection and showing kindness - not being a military dictator will help you along the way.

  4. Last but not least, due to the complex patterns of toughts, internal and external factors. Working your way out of burnout is best done with a coach, mentor or mental health provider by your side. Working with someone who can help you realize patterns, catch those toughts, reframe them and not least support you and keep you accountable.

Often it can be helpful to gather at little team of professionals around you, I have in the past worked with clients and other healthcare professionals on creating that shift and change out of burnout. If you would like to know more about this coaching process with thriving lifestyles, dont hesitate to CONTACT us

Hope you found this insightful, if you are interested in this topic, consider reading/listening to episode #44 Why am I always tired?. You know where to find it!

All the best


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