#51 - My best advice beginners in crossfit (and how to stick to them)

Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exciting and intimidating, especially for beginners in Crossfit. It is a special vibe when you look into the Crossfit gym, and see all the sweaty bodies doing things fast and intensly, many of the movements you have never seen before - making your way up to the board and the coach speaks in acronyms and codes saying words and numbers in an order that does not seam logical. Lets be honest here its is scary!

With the abundance of movements, words and codes to master at the same time as you might little behind, since everyone else just gets it. It's easy to feel overwhelmed to say the least.. However, setting realistic expectations and fitness goals and adopting a sustainable approach can make all the difference weather you have success in your Crossfit practice or not.

In this blog post, I set out to write the guide I wished someone had shared with me when I was starting out, and I will do my best to guide you through the process of establishing achievable goals and provide tips on how to stick to them, making Crossfit just a littlebit less scary and more approachable.

#1 Start with making it a habit to show up.

Every practice has a so called TURN KEY moment, in order to make any kind of progress with your new found hobby/ exercise routine. It is absolutely essential to start showing up. So start with practicing showing up to the classes, commit to being a beginner at this new thing aka. accepting you don’t know it all, asking for help where needed and use that growth mindset to say to yourself it is okay if I don’t know it all, I am just going to show up x amount of times each week and do my best.

#2 Measurable and Specific Goals
Once you have started showing up regularly and getting familiar with the coaches, other people and movements it is time to setting measurable and specific goals. As we often talk about, success is achieving a goal and happiness is liking the results you get. That is why it is crucial for liking the end destination we arrive at, it can also help you tracking your progress and maintaining motivation. Vague goals like "getting in shape" or "losing weight" lack clarity and can be challenging to assess. Instead, aim for something you want to move towards that are quantifiable and tailored to your needs. For instance, you could set a goal to run a mile in under 10 minutes, perform 10 push-ups in a row, be able to climb a rope or lose 5 pounds within a specific timeframe. With the vast variety of movements and skill in crossfit it can be very benificial to focus on a specific area or movement over 4-12 weeks at the time, unlock them before moving on to the next thing. Ticking one thing off at the time, this will help you progress faster and provide a sense of accomplishment as you reach each milestone.

#3 Break It Down into Small Steps
Now those goals are a bit BIG, and for some can feel overwhelming. But achieving ambitious fitness goals is supposed to feel daunting, this is where the next trick of breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps can make them more attainable. Rather than aiming to run a marathon right away, start by incorporating short runs into your weekly routine and gradually increase the distance and intensity. Or if your goal is to be able to complete a rope climb, committing to practicing 1x week, and pushing yourself when the pull-ups and ring rows show up in workouts to build that overall strength. By setting realistic milestones along the way, such as running a 5K or getting your first strict pull up first, you'll build momentum and stay motivated.

#4 Be Patient and Realistic
One of the most common pitfalls for beginners is expecting immediate results. Crossfit and all fitness is a journey, and sustainable progress takes time. Avoid falling into the trap of comparing yourself to others or succumbing to the allure of rapid transformations. Most people at some point or another (sometimes consecutive days ) feel like they are slow and just not getting it, while everyone else on social media or in class has figured this out. But remember, everyone's starting point is different, and progress is unique to each individual. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and focus on long-term improvements rather than short-term outcomes.

#5 Focus On The Activities/Bits You Enjoy
Crossfit is SO VARIATED and unless you are getting paid to do it professionally doesn't have to be synonymous with grueling workouts or monotonous routines. Make it a point to explore different activities within the sport of Crossfit and find ones that you genuinely enjoy then sprinkle them in with the boring stuff - or just do more of the stuff that brings you joy. Whether it's gymnastics, cycling, rowing, olympic lifts, swimming or the social chats after the workouts , discovering the parts that that bring you joy will make going to the gym more sustainable and less intimidating. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things until you find what resonates with you.

#6 Get Support and Accountability
Having a support system can significantly impact your journey towards achieving fitness goals. Luckily this is where crossfit is amazing, it really is team building with a bunch of stangers. But you have to be open to to it to make it happen. So make sure to make an effort to share your fears about the workouts, laugh at the fact you dont know it all and share your big goal with someone in the gym, coach, member or anyone you feel connected too. Science has proven that having ONE PERSON your share your goal, progress, challenges and successes out loud, in words will make you MUCH MORE LIKELY TO ACHIVE IT. It can boost motivation, accountability and provide valuable guidance and help to stay committed to that goal over time.


Starting with building habits, then setting realistic fitness goals, breaking them down into eatable chunks, focusing on joy and connecting with others is really the key to a successful and sustainable Crossfit Experience . Remember, the journey to a healthier and fitter you is about progress, not perfection. Embrace the process, celebrate your achievements, and enjoy the positive changes that come with prioritizing your well-being.

If you are somewhere in your CROSSFIT journey, and find this useful, share it with a friend that might be starting…. or is still thinking about starting

Until next time, keep taking tiny actions forward to your Thriving Life


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